
We’d be delighted to welcome you to the Stanborough Chorus and invite you to sing with us for up to four weeks, at the end of which time we will ask you to decide whether you would like to join the choir. We do hope that you will!

Each section has a representative who will introduce themselves to you, answer any queries you may have and help in any way that they can. Your rep is also on the committee and can raise any matters at regular committee meetings when appropriate. Please advise your rep of your contact details so that they can keep you informed.


We meet at Kingsbridge Methodist Church every Monday at 7.30pm. Please arrive promptly. We have a short break at about 8.30pm and end at 9.30pm. Bring a soft pencil and an eraser so that you can mark your score when necessary. You may also like to bring a drink. 

Do you need to be able to read music?

It helps, but it’s not essential! You will, however, need to set aside some time to practise. We can provide practice CDs at a very reasonable cost which will help you to learn your part, and the tenors and basses meet regularly for a lot of tea and cake....and some practice! Our librarian will provide you with the necessary music.

What do we sing?

We have a wide ranging repertoire from baroque to modern classical music, from oratorios and masses to anthems. We also include the occasional musical. Some pieces are much more demanding than others, but Christopher aims to select works which give opportunities to members with a wide range of experience and abilities.

We have three main concerts each year; the first in spring, the second, which features music in a lighter vein is held in June, and then a third in November. There are three additional concerts held over the Christmas period. One of these is in Buckfast Abbey and one , ‘Carols for All’, on Christmas Eve in St.Edmund’s Church in Kingsbridge.

Through some of our concerts we raise money for charities. We are a registered charity (No.1084313)


Phone Jenny Kinder 01548 810750 or contact us here.